dengan syarat2 berikut...
1. thanks and link the person that gave u the award
2. pass to 15 bloggers you've discovered & think are fantastic
3. contact said blog & let the know they've won the award
4. state 7 things about yourself
emmm...15 je bloggers yg leh di beri..emmm..mostly dah dpt kot..dah passing around this je yg lambat sikit nak pass..hehe..amik la ek..sape2 yg lom dpt tu, mmg kene amik..hehe..
7 things about me:
1. sgt suka brocoli, x suka mkn daging (except daging ayam)
2. love to watch animation film
3. dulu sgt2 suka pink, sekarang suka sgt grey + black
4. homely type
5. love eating (pasai tu la gumuk)
6. love cat
7. simple cerewet
emm..tu je la kot..byk lagi thing about me..hehe..mari la besahabat dengan saya ek..
ally: saya juga seorang yg friendly ( je sy nih)
marilah kita bershabat ramai2 ye =)) bersahabat..=)
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